Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Another day

Fridays are absolutely crazy so I won't be blogging then. We have a ladies Bible study at my house on Friday mornings and then lunch, naps and finally school. But we got it all done and then managed to convince Daddy we needed to go out for Chinese food for dinner.

Monday we got up at 715 (yuck) and the girls watched Dora, Backyardigans and Fifi and the Flowertots while I blogged, did email and loaded the dishwasher. Then it was school time. We introduced the new memory verse, read about Abraham sacrificing Isaac (thank goodness she didn't ask any questions on that one), and then began to introduce sets of numbers in Singapore Earlybird Math (SEBM). This was the first math pages that she had trouble with immediate grasp. She can tell me which set has more than the other in the picture, but when it comes to saying 4 is more than 3, she gets confused with more and less. She'll get it, but she sure was frustrated. I read Mother Goose nursery rhymes while she coloured and then we read the Bernstein Bears Almanac and talked about wind. Then lunch and nap (yay!) After nap I introduced the HWT workbook. The first few pages are just crayon holding and scribbling, so I let her do all of them. Then she worked on putting together some puzzle pieces that have CVC words on them (1/2 the puzzle has both the word and picture the other 1/2 just the word). She is getting pretty good at matching the letters to put them together. She was tired and didn't want to sound them out, so I didn't push.

Today it was more of the same routine, only they slept later so were only able to watch Fifi before we got started. More comparisons of sets today in SEBM. She is still struggling with the concept, but was less frustrated today. We have finished lesson 11 in book A. She did say she was glad to get to "numbers" in math. lol We reviewed what we talked about wind yesterday. She couldn't remember it today. Then we talked about rain. She seemed to get that more. Bible stories today were about Jacob and Esau and she liked that. She was able to say her memory verse with only one prompt. This is the quickest she has learned a verse. She also put together the CVC puzzles, but again didn't want to do the sounds. She's napping now, but we'll probably do HWT when she wakes up if she asks. She has also asked to watch Cinderella after nap, so I'll let her do that as well.

Fairly routine days, but I'm just pleased we are getting a routine. Thanks for reading.

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