Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Big Box and a New Term

A week before we finished up summer school, this arrived!
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The big box from Sonlight! Flower was sure enjoying seeing what all we had. It was a major effort to hold Jewel off for a week, lol.

We officially started Kindergarten on 10 September. This year we are using Sonlight K (Core C) with 1st grade readers, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Explode the Code, and continuing Rosetta Stone German. All is going very well. Jewel loves, loves, loves to read. Although I am a little concerned about using 1st grade readers, I know she would have been bored to tears with the Kindergarten readers. She is trying really hard, and on the things that are above her ability (e.g. writing similes) we are discussing and moving on. There will be plenty of time for that later. As we are getting accustomed to the new schedule, I haven't re-added German, but that will come later in the week.

My goals for Fall 2007 school term are:
*build confidence in reading and writing letters
*improve concentration and retention when I am reading aloud to her
*learn the weekly memory verses
*learn at least 5 facts about Turkey and be able to relate them to our holiday
*achieve next badge level in swimming
*provide a good starting foundation for history and science study

I am less concerned with how many book-facts she can spout off, and more concerned with how she is relating the things we are learning to real life. I'm really praying this year is a fun foundational year for her.

Here she is on day one, hard at work:
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NotJustLaura said...

She's a very lucky little girl!

Paper Dali said...

Yay, box day! It looks like it's going to be a lovely new year.

Praying that it's a fabulous new year,

Be Inspired Always said...

Blessings on having a wonderful year.


Anonymous said...

wow!! I'm impressed as always with Moms who homeschool their kids..My daughter is still 4 years old but we're thinking that the best option for her education here in a foreign land is homeschooling..I'm praying for more of God's wisdom and grace that I'll be able to handle it..I know it's not easy..:)